The lasting success of DSA depends on widespread political education throughout the organization. Our ability to build a mature, effective socialist movement hinges on broadly shared knowledge of the history and theory of the historical struggle we’ve inherited. These ideas and conversations belong to the working class. For a multi-tendency organization like DSA, political education provides a space for comradely and productive debate between different political perspectives, allowing us to collectively generate deeper and more effective analyses than any of us could alone. It is our hope that this national curriculum, and future versions, will support political educators in DSA as they bring about a new flowering of socialism in the intellectual and cultural life of our class.
This curriculum was prepared by the National Political Education Committee of DSA (NPEC). Please get in touch if you have feedback on this material, if you would like to arrange training or other support for your Local’s political education work, or if you would like to volunteer with the NPEC to help build a socialist education program suitable for a mass organization of the entire working class!