The readings for these modules have been selected to highlight DSA’s fundamental political analysis and key political questions, with the goal that any Local, from the newest Organizing Committee to the largest Chapter, can use them as the core of their political education work in order to equip all DSA members with a common base of knowledge. Each reading contains particular political points of view and organizers should encourage critical engagement with those, especially where they may raise fruitful debates.
This curriculum was prepared by the National Political Education Committee of DSA (NPEC). The NPEC exists to create the resources and structure necessary to support DSA’s political education efforts and to help foster the growth of a new generation of socialists. For DSA to educate its tens of thousands of members, we need a network of political educators, a layer of organizers whose goal is sharing the lessons from past movements and making new members confident enough to draw their own lessons. To this end, we have developed, and will continue to develop a national curriculum; provide training for chapter-level political educators; and host regular national-level speakers and discussions. Please get in touch if you have feedback on this material, if you would like to arrange training or other support for your Local’s political education work, or if you would like to volunteer with the NPEC to help build a socialist education program suitable for a mass organization of the entire working class!